Sunday, 29 July 2007

God's Goodness

Throughout the last few hectic weeks God has been reminding us of his goodness and the wonder of his creation.

A few months ago we decided to use the overgrown patch at the bottom of the garden to grow some vegetables. We didn't think much would come of it, but thought it would be a bit of fun and something that Zoey would enjoy.

Well, not long ago the peas burst into flower and within what seemed like an incredibly short period of time green pods started to appear. We had planted a variety suited for picking as mange tout so we were soon able to "taste and see that the Lord is good!". Since then the courgette plant (which has grown into a bit of a monster - one metre across!) has produced a good number of golden courgettes.

The carrots haven't been quite so successful - they taste okay but are all twisted with bits shooting off in all directions. Perhaps they needed to be left a little longer!

1 comment:

C&C said...

Cool! Growing vegetables and fruits are always fun. I remember having loads of fruit trees in our childhood home - rambutans, mangoes, cikus, custard apples, papaya, pineapple, durian, mangosteen, star fruit and even pulasan! (you can educate Phil about what I'm talking about...)

Of course, we had the staples for cooking - pandan plants, curry leaves, lemon grass and lots of aloe vera plants for those insect bites.

Jamie Oliver would have been proud of us.

Hey, when are you coming home?